
As the custodians of PCC’s academic records, Student Records is responsible for processing incoming transcripts from other institutions, transfer credit evaluation, degree and certificate awarding, the commencement ceremony, and the integrity and confidentiality of students’ records. Most resources we provide can be accessed online via MyPCC.

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View final grades

To view final grades, log in to MyPCC and visit the My Courses tab. Under the View My column, there is a link to Grades. Confirm the term you want to view from the dropdown menu and click the submit button.

Instructors enter grades after finals week. If the grade for one of your courses isn’t available on MyPCC by the Tuesday after the term has ended, contact the instructor.

Verify enrollment

Enrollment verifications are processed through the National Student Clearinghouse and can be accessed via MyPCC. To obtain proof of your enrollment at PCC, click on Get Proof of Enrollment from the MyPCC Home tab.

Child attending school verifications are processed by Student Records. More information about child support for a child attending school (college), can be found on the Oregon Child Support website.

To verify your enrollment in a CEU course, request an official transcript be sent to the person or agency needing proof of enrollment.

Give permission to release your records

PCC must follow all applicable state and federal laws and FERPA regulations that apply to us. To give us permission to release any part of your student record, click on Consent to Release from the MyPCC Home tab or complete the Consent to Release form and return it to Enrollment Services. Questions about FERPA can be directed to pccregistrar@pcc.edu.

Update your name

Legal name change: if your legal name has changed, bring the following documents to Enrollment Services or email documents to enroll@pcc.edu: signed copy of the Student Records Change Form, valid photo ID, and a copy of the official name change document (for example, a marriage license).

Preferred first name change: you can use a preferred first name instead of your legal first name in most systems at PCC. Set your preferred name in the admissions application or by using the Update preferred name form. See more about preferred names.

Update your social security number

Social security number updates are processed by Enrollment Services. Visit Enrollment Services on campus with your social security card and one piece of valid photo identification to make an update.

Appeal a grade

Exceptions to deadlines that affect your transcript can be considered in cases of documented and significant extenuating circumstances. For directions,?see the Grade Change on Academic Records Appeal Procedure.

Apply for academic fresh start

Academic fresh start is intended for the student who has been unenrolled from PCC for seven or more years to remove an entire period of poor academic performance at PCC from the credits earned and GPA calculation. To learn more, speak with an academic advisor or email records@pcc.edu.