This content was published: January 27, 2022. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

QTR 2 FY22 Quarterly IT Portfolio

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Our Portfolio Management Office has published the Qtr 2 FY22 Quarterly Portfolio Report.

As the fall term closed and the winter term begins, the Information Technology (IT) department continues to dedicate its technology support at a steady pace despite the ongoing remote work status during the pandemic. During the 2nd quarter of the fall term 2021, the IT department closed 12 projects, 3 projects fewer compared to previous year and took in 16 new project intakes, 4 projects less than last year. Due to the November and December college holidays, the downward trend for the 2nd quarter closure is aligned with the previous year during the same period. Read additional details about completed projects in our Qtr 2 FY22 Quarterly Report.

For a downloadable .pdf version of this report, please utilize the following link: FY22 QTR2 IT Portfolio Report (Oct 2021- Dec 2021)

For any questions regarding the IT portfolio please contact our Interim IT Portfolio Manager, Ida Hadgu at?,?or visit the?IT PMO Spaces page.